Best Practices Chronic Pain Management

Who: RMTs, ATs, PTs, osteopathic practitioners

What: Best Practices: Chronic Pain Management

When: Monday Sept 23rd, 6pm

Where: Online via Zoom

Why: Your patients deserve the best available treatment

How long: Approx 2 hours

How much: $77

Recording available to all registered attendees

Learn best practices for treatment and management for your patients living in chronic pain?

In order to effectively manage, and treatment plan for your patients living with chronic pain, it is essential that you follow best practices so you can continue to provide high value care to your patients. This will both increase the quality of your care and also provide valuable self-management options.

If you treat people who suffer with long-term pain, whether that is from an MVA, workplace accident, sport injury, surgery, or if they have a systemic condition like fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or an inflammatory condition, this webinar will be vital for you because knowing current evidence-based information and best practices is what people deserve.


What This Webinar Has to Offer

This 2 hour webinar will guide you through the current physiological processes that occur when someone experiences pain while emphasizing the value of communication, touch, movement and meaningful self-management options. These principles can be applied to anyone with musculoskeletal concerns whether that is the neck, head, TMJ, shoulder, upper extremity, spine, hips and lower extremity.

All attendees will receive a recording of the webinar, PDF of the slides and assessment resources they can use in their practice.


Make things easier by following fundamental pain management principles


Be comfortable in communicating and reframing unhelpful ideas.


Learning which assessment tools to use with chronic pain patients is important because traditional orthopaedic approaches are not helpful.


How and what you treatment plan is important. Learn how to more effectively create meaningful plans with your patients.


Working with your patients is vital for engaging them in meaningful self-management strategies. The best exercises, movements and management is variable and learning which ones to use and which to avoid is necessary.

I wanted to let you know how much you affected my 26 years of practice.  I have never, in all my courses over all the years, taken something so mind blowing. I was engaged with my people and used such different terms for their support. I think I blew some of their minds too.

C. Keller - RMT

About Me

“My name is Eric Purves and I am the founder of the Centre for Evidence Based Education. I strive to utilize my education, knowledge and experience to help you learn the most important science and best practices for helping those who live every day with pain. The more knowledge people have about pain the more they can focus on providing valuable care to those who need it most."

— Eric Purves


This webinar contains all of the essential information and practical knowledge about chronic pain. This webinar will make you more efficient and effective in your treatments so you can begin incorporating evidence-based management strategies.

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